V-Belt Pulleys and Taper Bushes
V-Belt Pulleys and Taper Bushes
Cross+Morse Crown V-Belt Pulleys are all manufactured in fine grain Cast-iron of grade 220-260 using the latest Foundry processes, combined with CNC lathes for finishing. All Pulleys fully conform to ISO 4183 and DIN 2211 Standards, designed to fit both Wedge(narrow) and Classical V-Belts. We also offer the complete range of taper bushes for a complete solution off the shelf.
V Belt Pulleys
All pulleys are statically balanced to ISO 1940 Standard; pulleys up to 125mm pitch circle diameter balanced to grade G6.3;a residual unbalance of 2 grams on the pitch diameter being acceptable.
Taper Bushes
Taper bushes provide a low cost, simple, quick method of securing sprocket, pulleys and couplings to a wide range of standard metric and imperial dimensioned shafts of general commercial tolerances and finish.The taper surfaces on the bush and mating hub are driven together by high tensile screws, causing the split bush to be firmly contracted onto the shaft. The strong clamping force which can be achieved enables transmission of high torque without the problems of fretting associated with simple keyseated drives.