Roller Ramp Clutches AA, AEF, ANF and ANR
Roller Ramp Clutches AA, AEF, ANF and ANR
Types AA, AEF, ANF and ANR are high torque roller ramp clutches for applications within an encased lubrication system. They are mainly used for indexing, overrunning and backstopping applications dependign on the type.
These clutches have no integral bearings, and external bearing support is thus required to accurately align the inner and outer races for correct freewheel function.
AA Series Clutches
On the AA series clutches torque is transmitted from the shaft to the inner race by a standard key, and from the outer race to the connecting part by high tensile bolts. The outer race has common dimensions with the AGF series of clutches, and so can when used as a backstop utilise the F4 end flange of this series to provide a fully sealed unit. The fit for centering of the outer race should be H7 tolerance.
AEF Series Clutches
On the AEF series clutches torque is transmitted from the shaft to the inner race by a standard key, and from the outer race to mating part by two face mounted keys offset by 180˚. The mating bore for the outer should be to K7 tolerance. If a housing with R6 tolerance is used the end keys can be omitted.
The ANF and ANR series Clutches are high torque Roller Ramp Clutches for applications within an encased lubrication system. Torque is transmitted by a keyway in the bore and two keys on the end faces of the outer race.
ANF Clutches
The ANF clutches require their housing to have bearing support with the shaft in order to provide the necessary concentricity within the clutch. The tolerance of the housing bore 'D' should be H7 or G7, and the shaft h6 or j6.
ANR Clutches
The ANR clutches incorporate their own bearings to centre the inner and outer races. Sizes ANR 8 to ANR 20 utilise a steel on steel plain bearing, whilst larger sizes incorporate two 160 series ball bearings. The tolerance of the housing bore 'D' must be H7 or G7, and the shaft h6 or j6.